New Food Industry 2020年 6月号



千葉 直樹(CHIBA Naoki),板橋 建(ITABASHI Takeru),大坂 正明(OSAKA Masaaki)
[Notes] Detection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) synthesized by plant virus in crops using anti-dsRNA antibody
Authors: Naoki Chiba 1*, Takeru Itabashi 2, Masaaki Osaka 1, 2
*Corresponding author: Naoki Chiba 1
Affiliated institutions:
1 Miyagi Prefectural Agriculture and Horticulture Research Center(1, Takadate Kawakami Aza Higashikongouji, Natori-shi, Miyagi-ken, 981-1243, Japan.)
2 Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi Prefectural Government(2-2, Akedohri, Izumi-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, 981-3206, Japan.)
Key Words:Plant virus, dsRNA, ELISA, DIBA, Northwestern blot, Cellulose powder
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) synthesized by plant virus in crops was detected using anti-dsRNA antibody. dsRNA as Antigen was coated in microplate well with 0.1% poly-L-lysine water solution and was detected by indirect ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) at the range from 0.2 ng to 20 ng of dsRNA per well. Further, North Western blot and North Western dot blot also called DIBA (Dot Immuno-Blotting Assay) was conducted by using polyvinyliden difluoride (PVDF) membranes. By cellulose powder, dsRNA of ZYMV (zucchini yellow mosaic virus) was purified from total RNA of infected plants and the length of duble-stranded RNA was measured by gel electrophoresis. The three methods, ELISA, DIBA and cellulose powder purification were compared with each other and their characteristics were discussed.
植物ウイルスは作物に感染し,時として甚大な被害を及ぼす。植物ウイルスに直接効果を有する化学農薬は無く,このため植物ウイルスを早期に診断し,被害株を抜き取ることが減収を最小限にとどめる最善策である。植物ウイルスの診断は,病徴の観察とともに血清学的診断または遺伝子診断を行う。血清学的診断では主にウイルスの外被タンパク質を抗原とする抗体を用いたELISA(Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay,イライザまたはエライザ)法やイムノクロマト法による検査紙を使用する。遺伝子診断はPCR法,RT-PCR法,塩基配列決定等である。筆者らが所属する宮城県農業・園芸総合研究所は,県内で過去に発生した植物ウイルスの抗体及びPCRプライマーを予め用意し,迅速なウイルス診断に努めている。表1に最近2年間に宮城県内で食用作物から検出された植物ウイルスを示した1, 2)。



富樫 巌(TOGASHI Iwao),鬼柳 春花(KIYANAGI Haruka)
[Notes] Cryopreservation of Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) and Hiratake (Pleurotus ostreatus) mycelia at −20°C and −50°C
Authors: Iwao Togashi *, Haruka Kiyanag
Corresponding author: Iwao Togashi
Affiliated institutions:
*National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Asahikawa College,(2-2-1-6, Shunkodai, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, 071-8142, Japan.)
Key Words: Edible mushroom, Mycelial disk, Preservation, Strain, Freezing
Methods for cryopreservation of Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) and Hiratake (Pleurotus ostreatus) mushrooms at −20°C and −50°C were investigated using mycelium-agar discs that were soaked in 40% (w/w) glucose or 10% (w/w) glycerin aqueous solutions. Cryopreservation on discs soaked in a 40% glucose solution prior to storage may reproduce a more ecologically suitable microenvironment for mycelial recovery and growth.
Survival and mycelial growth were both evaluated after cryopreservation. Without following incubation at 25°C, only one of the four mushroom strains, Shiitake NBRC 30877, exhibited 100% survival after freezing for ten weeks using 40% glucose at −50°C. Overall survival improved markedly when the mycelium-agar discs with the two solutions were incubated at 25°C for 24 h before freezing. With this modification, all strains survived (100%) for ten weeks with 40% glucose at −20°C or with 10% glycerin at −50°C. However, after ten weeks of preservation, mycelial growth was delayed 1–3 days when stored at −20°C on discs soaked in 40% glucose and 2–8 days when stored at −50°C on discs soaked in 10% glycerin compared with each control (subculture). 
 In most cases, after cryopreservation for ten weeks, the mycelial growth rates at stationary phase at 25°C in control cultures was greater than or equal to mycelial growth ones detected on discs that were stored at −50°C with 10% glycerin; by contrast, mycelial growth rates was more substantially reduced on discs that were stored at −20°C with 40% glucose.
 菌体ディスク法を用いた食用菌・菌株の凍結保存については,菌種や菌株および凍結保護液による差異があるものの−20℃では超低温の−85℃や−196℃と比べて生存率が低く,その中でもシイタケ(Lentinula edodes(Berk.)Pegler)とヒラタケ(Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq.)P. Kumm.)の−20℃凍結感受性が高い(死滅しやすい)ことが報告1, 2)されている。一方で著者らは,食用菌・菌株の凍結保存の低コスト化を狙い,家庭用冷凍庫の温度レベルとなる−20℃の利用可能性を検討してきた。その結果,シイタケとヒラタケの菌株においてグルコースやマルトースの40%(w/w)水溶液を凍結保護液に用いると10%(w/w)グリセリン水溶液の場合と比較して生存率が改善すること,7~25℃で24時間程度放置する前処理が−20℃凍結保存における生存率の改善に寄与することを見出した3, 4)。



斎田 圭子(SAITA Keiko),斎田 悟(SAITA Satoru),八幡 由花紫(YAHATA Yukashi),三間 修(MITSUMA Osamu),坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi),佐野 愛子(SANO Aiko),鈴木 龍一郎(SUZUKI Ryuichiro)
APICA SAITA INUTOUKI (Angelica shikokiana Makino) 5-7th year root rich in arginine and GABA
Author: Keiko Saita 1, Satoru Saita 1, Yukashi Yahata 1, Osamu Mitsuma 2, Hiroshi Sakagami 3, Aiko Sano 4, Ryuichiro Suzuki 4
Affiliated institutions:
1 Apica Corporation (Sun Towers A7F 2-11-24 Sangenjaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0024, Japan.)
3 Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO) (1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado, Saitama 350-0283, Japan.)
Key Words: APICA SAITA INUTOUKI (Angelica shikokiana Makino), Amino acid analysis, Arginine, GABA
Amino acid analysis demonstrated that 5~7th year root of APICA SAITA INUTOUKI (Angelica shikokiana Makino) has one order higher arginine and GABA than 3rd year leaf and seed.  The 5~7th year root contained GABA at concentrations much higher than other amino acids. The anti-fatigue, immunopotentiating and nerve stabilization effects can be expected by intaking the extract of APICA SAITA INUTOUKI (Angelica shikokiana Makino).

新解説 グルテンフリー製品への Millet(ヒエ)の利用(1)

瀬口 正晴 (SEGUCHI Masaharu),竹内 美貴 (TAKEUCHI Miki),中村 智英子 (NAKAMURA Chieko)
 本論文「新解説 グルテンフリー製品への Millet(ヒエ)の利用(2)」は“Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages” (Edited by E. K. Arendt and F. D. Bello) 2008 by Academic Press (ELSEVIER) の第6章 Gluten-free foods and beveragesの一部を翻訳紹介するものである。


手作りマスクは安全なの? マスク用生地のフィルター性能簡易測定法の開発

肖 黎(Li Xiao)



佐々木 悠(SASAKI Haruka),渡辺 秀司(WATANABE Shuji),片岡加奈子 (KATAOKA Kanako),両角 旦 (MOROZUMI Akira),鈴木 光雄(SUZUKI Mitsuo),遠山 歳三 (TOYAMA Toshizo),浜田 信城(HAMADA Nobushiro),坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)
Pharmacological activity and dental application of Juzentaihoto
Corresponding author: Haruka Sasaki
Key Words: Rikko-san, Pharmacological activity, Tooth extraction, Implant, Porphyromonas gingivalis
Juzentaihoto (JTX) is a traditional Japanese medicine that consists of 10 herbs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of multi-herbal medicine JTX as a preventive and therapeutic drug for periodontal bone resorption. In the present study, we investigate the antibacterial effect of JTX and the inhibitory effect of JTX on the differentiation of mouse bone marrow cells into osteoclasts. Furthermore, we used a rat periodontitis model to determine the inhibitory efficacy of JTX on the P. gingivalis induced alveolar bone loss. JTX effectively inhibited osteoclastogenesis. Our study demonstrated that JTX inhibits the progression of periodontal disease by suppressing the maturation of osteoclasts, suggesting its inhibitory effect on the destruction of periodontal tissue.


野山の花 — 身近な山野草の食効・薬効 —

キハダPhellodendron amurense Rupr. var. amurense
白瀧 義明(SHIRATAKI Yoshiaki)


 しとしと雨の降る6月,梅雨の晴れ間に山歩きをしていると,長さ20〜30cmの奇数羽状複葉をつけた大木を見かけることがあります。キハダ(黄柏,黄蘗,黄檗,黄膚)は,日本各地,中国北部,朝鮮半島,アムール,ウスリーに自生する雌雄異株の落葉高木で高さ10〜20m,幹の外皮は淡黄褐色,厚いコルク質で覆われ幼木の幹は滑らかで黄色がかっていますが,成長するとコルク質が発達してボコボコになります。6月頃,円錐花序に多数の小さな黄緑色の花をつけ,秋には,直径1cm程の黒く熟した球形の果実をつけます。キハダの名は「黄色い肌」の意に由来し,樹皮の表皮と内部の木質部との間にある内皮が,鮮やかな黄色であることによります。その他,キハダが転訛したキワダや小葉の幅の狭いミヤマキハダに比してヒロハノキハダといわれたり,内皮に苦味があることからニガキとよばれたりします(本来のニガキPicrasma quassioidesニガキ科  Simaroubaceaeとは異なります)。



Naoko Ryde Nishioka



Food Materials in Mongolia and cultural exchange

吉原 正晶(YOSHIHARA Masaaki),中村 功(NAKAMURA Ko),坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)
 Mongolia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world and blessed with nature. Success of shut-out policy at the initial stage led to much lower rate of coronavirus infection, as compared with other countries. Main foods are bread, flour (noodles), lamb, and beef. Payment at the restaurant is by card or smartphone. Due to urbanization, the number of agricultural workers has decreased, and air pollution has become a serious problem. Electric scooters, electric kick boards, and food and drink delivery services are popular. Mongolia's sentiment toward Japan is at the highest level compared to the world.  We have been interacted with Mongolia in the distribution of people and goods. In the future, we would like to carry out more active joint research with Mongolia


Symposium in the journal 誌上シンポジウム


坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)
Special plan: Diversity management
The impact of the coronavirus crisis ~How to deal with it?
Hiroshi Sakagami
Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO)
 To this journal symposium, I have invited a group of teachers from five countries, Japan, China, the United States of America, Finland, and Mexico, who will present how COVID-19 [new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)-induced disease] affects our life and how to deal with it. 



大石 隆介(OISHI Ryusuke)
Impact of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Countermeasures (Self-restraint) on Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Japan
Ryusuke Oishi
 At the end of 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was discovered in Wuhan, a city in China’s Hubei Province 1). The virus rapidly spread to many other countries, including Japan 1). In response, on 7 April 2020, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency 2). In doing so, he asked the citizens to refrain from going out of their homes between 7 April and 6 May 2020 in specified cities 2). Although the declaration was an unavoidable measure to prevent the further spread of the virus, it has caused serious damage to Japan and its economy. This study briefly considers the impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s economy. Specifically, we consider the impact of the Japanese people’s self-restraint concerning small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As compared with large firms, most SMEs have insufficient financial strength to survive a sudden decline in sales caused by mandatory self-restraint.



戴秋娟(DAI Qiujuan) 北京外国語大學歴史学院
Change of our lives by the new coronavirus epidemic
DAI Qiujuan
Beijing Foreign Studies University School of History
 The new Coronavirus is still rampant around the world. The spread of new coronavirus infection seems to be finally settled in China after about three months of self-restraint from the Lunar New Year holidays in late January. Now, social order is gradually being restored. This countermeasure against new coronavirus is called "anti-disease" in China. The “anti-quarantine life” for as long as three months greatly impacted our lives. I will describe such impacts from four different aspects: changes in lifestyle, educational style, community, and family relationship.



史海霞(SHI Haixia)
上海交通大学医学院附属第9人民病院中医科 上海,中国201900
The effect of Covid-19 on our lives
Haixia Shi
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 
 As we all know, the outbreak of the Covid-19 in China is relatively recent. Hence, everyone is still advised to wear a mask when they leave their homes. As per the level I protection policy guidelines for medical workers, we use gowns, masks, hats, gloves, and goggles when we are on duty. The consulting room is equipped with hand disinfectant to prevent cross infection between doctors and patients, as well as between patients themselves. Before patients enter the hospital, they are subjected to epidemiological investigation, registration, and temperature testing. If their body temperature exceeds 37.3°C, they are redirected to the fever clinic for further differential diagnosis and treatment. Before entering the consulting room, patients are usually required to go through temperature testing and recording more than three times. Doctors are also required to conduct epidemiological inquiries to ensure the safety of patients. In the hospital, we are not allowed to have lunch in the cafeteria, and instead, we eat lunch alone in the office. After returning home from work, I usually take a shower. Nowadays, the dwindling number of imported Covid-19 cases in Shanghai has allowed us to downgrade to secondary prevention. We can now eat in the cafeteria, but not at the same table.



肖黎(XIAO Li)
2020年1月下旬以来,「武漢」,「SARS様肺炎」,「新型コロナウイルス」,「李文亮」,「感染者数」,「死亡率」といったキーワードが頻繁に中国のSNS上に出てきた。新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する情報が爆増。溢れる情報が毎日のようにWeChatに現れ,関連論文が次から次へと「New England of Medicine」,「The Lancet」,「Nature」等のトップジャーナルに掲載された。これが非常にストレスとなり,研究者としてこの病気がどんなものか,有効な治療薬があるか,発症メカニズムが何か,等々どうしても知りたくなった。さらに,この病気と戦うため,自分の研究は社会に何等かの形で貢献できるのかと責任も痛感した。当時(2月中旬頃),コロナに関する臨床研究と報告は中国語と英語の資料はたくさんあったが,日本に感染者数が三桁未満なので,日本語の資料は少なかった。
Stress from the new coronal virus and my fun research life
Li Xiao
The Nippon Dental University, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo, Japan
 Since January 2020, information about the new corona virus over flowed in the Chinese SNS. On WeChat, the frequently showed up words were [Wuhan], [SARS-CoV-2], [COVID-19], [Li Wenliang], [Total confirmed], [Total deaths]. Scientific articles were published on the TOP journals, such as [New England of Medicine], [The Lancet], [Nature]. Day by day, I was surrounded by this kind of information on WeChat. This became a high stress to me. As a researcher, I want to know what kind of disease COVID-19 is. Is there any cure for it? How does the virus infect humans? I also felt on urge to help the society by using my research and my knowledge. At that time (meddle of February), although there were many published papers about COVID-19 in English and Chinese, Japanese papers were very few because less than 100 patients were confirmed in Japan.



Rene Garcia-Contreras
 2019年12月に中国の武漢で発生したCOVID-19感染が原因で,さまざまな情報を発信する電子メールとパンフレットの波が大部分の大学に押し寄せ,衛生習慣を改善しました。3月16日,メキシコ政府は,COVID-19の症例を減らすために,4月20日まで大学での活動や研究などの不要不急の活動を停止し,社会的距離を置くようにと通知しました。メキシコの国立自治大学(UNAM)では,強制的な「在宅」勤務政策が実施されました。 大学を去る前に,私はすべての細胞培養物を凍結保存し,顕微鏡と実験装置を切り離して,自宅に隔離されることになりました。 キャンパスでの仕事がこれほど急に止ってしまうとは思っていませんでした。
How pandemic affect our life and how to deal with it?
Rene Garcia-Contreras
Unidad León, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
  A wave of different informative emails and pamphlets inundated most of the universities encouraging good hygiene practices due to the COVID-19 infection which born in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Suddenly a few days later on March 16th the Mexican government informed that the non-essential activities in Mexico should be stopped including the university activities and research to reduce the possible cases of COVID-19 and keep the social distances until April 20th. We were informed and mandatory “Home-office” work policies would be implemented in National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Before isolation, I started to cryopreserve all the cell cultures, disconnect the microscope and laboratory equipment and go to isolate in my home. I had not expected my work life on campus to stop so suddenly.



Alejandro Mena Acra
How this pandemic has affected our lives and how we can deal with it
Alejandro Mena Acra
Autonomus University of the State of Mexico (UAEM)
 In Mexico, as in most countries, COVID-19 has already exerted a wide-ranging impact on the way society functions. It has comprehensively influenced human activities, from our daily lives to our national economies.
 Being confined to homes has affected numerous aspects of our daily lives that used to involve face-to-face contact between people. These interactions have been moved to cyberspace in the form of Internet-based work and socialising.
As an educator, online lessons are now my primary means of teaching. I am compelled to devise new ways of using web-based technology to ensure learning for my students: allowing them to learn from home and encouraging more students to simultaneously take the same class so they can interact, albeit remotely. The pandemic has forced teachers to explore discrete techniques and skills, especially the art of motivating students. I must continuously think of new ways of developing my students’ interests and their passion for knowledge to keep them learning even when they are outside the classroom. Unfortunately, it is impossible to teach certain disciplines remotely through the Internet and some experiential courses must be conducted in person.



Angel David Paulino-González
 パンデミックが発生したことにより,メキシコの学術,社会,政治,経済が非常に複雑な状況になってきた。 最初の頃は,人々は,物事を懐疑的にしか見ていなかったし,一部では,衛生対策をとり,人との距離を取ろうともしなかった。しかし,最近になり,人々はまとまって,協力し合い,指示に従う人も増えてきた。日常生活において,毎日の生活において一見平静を保ってきたものが,何が起こるかわからないという不確実性に変わってきた。 多くの活動が停止し,特に最貧困層の家族では,それが様々なストレスや不安を引き起こした。この状況はまた,私たちの国で長年続いてきた大きな経済的不平等性を露わにした。 人々は,事業を実行するために新しい方法に適応しようとし,病気の拡大を防ぐために,プロトコールの確立を試みた。利用できる資源は不十分であるが,確認された症例数は,今までのところ,指数関数的には増加していない。
Impact and overview of the pandemic in Mexico
Angel David Paulino-González
Dental Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico
 The outbreak of pandemic has brought with it very complex situations for Mexico of an academic, social, political and economic nature. In the first days the people had a more skeptical view of the situation and even a part of the population did not follow basic sanitary measures or physical distancing, however, in recent days there has been more union and collaboration of the population to follow the instructions. Through the days, the apparent calm that was perceived has been transformed into more uncertainty about what will happen in many aspects of daily life. Many activities stopped and that generated a lot of stress and anxiety, especially in the poorest families, this situation has also exhibited the great economic inequality that has existed in our country for years. People try to adapt to new ways to carry out their activities, they have tried to establish protocols to prevent the spread of the disease, but sometimes the available resources are insufficient, however, despite this, the number of confirmed cases has not  exponential growth, for now.



Khalil Shahramian
小林 真彦(KOBAYASHI Masahiko)
A COVID-19 infected thought
Khalil Shahramian
University of Turku, Institute of Dentistry
Masahiko Kobayashi
Meikai University, School of Dentistry
 The World has changed very fast and drastically during the past couple of months. No one would have thought or predicted the scope and greatness of this pandemic that the World is affected with. Many routines are changed, new laws are introduced, economies are on the brink of paralysis, the form of most basic human interactions are changed, staying at home has become the main activity for the majority, and new thoughts are occupying the minds of people of Earth. This makes us think of the word “plan”. The thought that whether future can be planned? Are we at all in control of our plans when a simple, minute, uninvited virus can change it all? Is the “best plan” the good old “no plan”? 
 But perhaps, one of the most interesting observation during this pandemic is the ability of the human race to adapt. A strong survival trait that has brought human beings to this date after years of evolution. The power of adapting to a new, alien environment, in order to continue the process of life. Similarly, today, during the COVID-19 pandemic, different societies and countries have introduced different measures to cope and adapt with this new, unexpected situation. As a citizen of the city of Turku, in Finland, and as a university staff at the University of Turku, I will highlight a few of these adaptations in this short text. 



Aous A. Abdulmajeed
Life in USA during COVID19
Aous A. Abdulmajeed
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Dentistry
 Not even in our worst nightmares we would have imagined that such a crazy time would come when the whole world goes on pause until further noticed. 
 People who lived through the world war II probably have lived through extremely difficult times but for our generations I believe nothing could be compared to this unwelcome pandemic. It is very true when this virus is been prescribed as "the invisible enemy" because this very tiny creature can be very devastating not only to people health and well-being but to the entire global economy. This virus does not see colors, religions, nationalities, poor or rich, young or old, etc! 
 Personally speaking it has been very stressful time as my wife and I are waiting for our very first baby to shine our lives in May 2020. When we watch the news and see how the health system being overwhelmed with COVID 19 patients, we only hope to wake up one day holding our lovely daughter between our arms in a perfectly healthy conditions. 
 Professionally speaking, the virus has left me with so many future insecurities. Knowing for a fact that my profession being a dentist is considered one of the riskiest jobs in the world, if not the riskiest one, leaves me wondering that only a miracle could carry me through this pandemic without being hit with this so called enemy. Looking forward, in all truth, I can see many dentists making a very big life-changing decision by steering their career away from clinical work and as a matter of fact many of my dental friends worldwide are considering quitting dentistry permanently.