New Food Industry 2021年 63巻 3月号



富樫 巌 (TOGASHI Iwao),梶 暉 (KAJI Hikaru),横田 喬央 (YOKOTA Takao)
Effects of a pretreatment on cryopreservation of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) mycelia at −20°C
Authors: Iwao Togashi *, Hikaru Kaji, Takao Yokota
*Corresponding author: Iwao Togashi
Affiliated institutions: 
National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Asahikawa College,
(2-2-1-6, Shunkodai, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, 071-8142, Japan.)
 In this study, methods for cryopreservation of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) mushroom strains (ANCT-05072, ANCT-05152, NBRC 30877 and NBRC 31864) at −20°C were investigated using mycelium agar discs soaked in 40% (w/w) saccharide aqueous solutions (e.g. glucose, maltose, sucrose, trehalose and fructose) as cryoprotectants. The discs were incubated with the solutions at 7°C or 25°C for 24 h before freezing. In comparison with samples that were not pre-treated (i.e. not incubated before cryopreservation), the survival rates of most shiitake strains were improved by pre-treatment with the solutions. Results differed according to the combination of strain and solution; however, there was a tendency for superior survival rates when pre-treated at 25°C rather than at 7°C. Following pre-treatment with a maltose aqueous solution, the survival rate of the three strains other than NBRC 30877 was 100% over 16 weeks when incubation was at 25°C; survival was 100% over 4–10 weeks with incubation at 7°C. Although mycelial reproduction from the mycelium agar discs on potato dextrose agar plates was delayed after storage at −20°C for 10–16 weeks, there was no change in the mycelial growth ability of all four shiitake strains. The effects of the aforementioned pre-treatment were similar to those previously reported for hiratake (Pleurotus ostreatus) strains combined with 40% (w/w) glucose aqueous solution and cryopreserved at −20°C for 10 weeks.
 菌体ディスク法を用いる食用菌・菌株(菌糸体)の凍結保存では菌種・菌株・凍結保護液の組合せによる差異があるものの,−20℃保存では超低温の−85℃保存や液体窒素の−196℃保存と比べて生存率が低く,特にシイタケ(Lentinula edodes(Berk.)Pegler)とヒラタケ(Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq.)P. Kumm.)の−20℃凍結感受性が高い(死滅しやすい)ことが報告1, 2)されている。一方,著者らは食用菌・菌株の凍結保存の低コスト化を狙い,家庭用冷凍庫の温度レベルとなる−20℃の利用可能性を検討してきた3-6)。その結果,シイタケ菌株においてグルコースやマルトースの40%(w/w)水溶液を凍結保護液に用いると10%(w/w)グリセリン水溶液と比較して生存率が改善する4)こと,ヒラタケ菌株と40%(w/w)グルコース水溶液の組合せにおいて25℃または7℃で24時間放置する前処理によって−20℃凍結保存における生存率が顕著に改善される5)ことをそれぞれ報告した。


Effects of consumption of food containing Mulukhiyah (Corchorus olitorius; AOTSUBU) on immune function of healthy Japanese adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group comparison study 

Hodai Nagahara 1*, Meisen Nagahara 1, Nobuo Ohmi 1, Yuta Takahashi 2, Tsuyoshi Takara 3**
 *Correspondence author: Hodai Nagahara
**Principal investigator: Tsuyoshi Takara
Affiliated institutions:
1 AOTSUBU CO., LTD. (3406-1, Arinochoarino, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 651-1312, Japan)
2 ORTHOMEDICO Inc. (2F Sumitomo Fudosan Korakuen Bldg., 1-4-1, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0002, Japan)
3 Medical Corporation Seishinkai, Takara Clinic
(9F Taisei Building, 2-3-2, Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-0022, Japan)
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of 4-week continuous consumption of mulukhiya (Corchorus olitorius)-derived dietary fiber (MDF) on immunity in healthy Japanese adults experiencing daily fatigue.
Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group comparison study from December 13, 2019 to March 24, 2020 in 22 healthy Japanese adults who were experiencing daily fatigue. The subjects were randomly allocated into the MDF (77 mg/tablet of dietary fiber) or placebo groups (n = 11 per group) using a computerized random number generator. Subjects consumed 30 tablets of either the MDF or placebo food daily for 4 weeks. Scoring of immunological vigor (SIV) was set as the primary outcome, and the subscores of immunity test and subjective symptoms (i.e., Likert scale method) were set as secondary outcomes.
Results: The number of subjects finally analyzed according to the protocol dataset was 9 from the MDF group (4 men, 5 women) and 8 from the placebo group (4 men, 4 women). Compared with the placebo group, the measured values and changes from the baseline at 4 weeks after the start of the test food consumption of the SIV were significantly higher in the MDF group (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups in the subscores of immunity test and subjective symptoms throughout the test period. Furthermore, no adverse events were reported.
Conclusions: The consumption of MDF-containing food for 4 weeks resulted in an improvement in immune system balance in healthy Japanese adults who were experiencing daily fatigue.


山崎 聡子 (YAMAZAKI Akiko),原田 恭行 (HARADA Yasuyuki),早坂 浩史 (HAYASAKA Hiroshi),佐藤 勉 (SATO Tsutomu),濱岡 直裕 (HAMAOKA Naohiro),舩津 保浩 (FUNATSU Yasuhiro)
Quality Characteristics of Fermented Seasonings Prepared with Egg-Roasted Production Loss
Authors: Akiko Yamazaki 1, Yasuyuki Harada 2, Hirofumi Hayasaka 3, Tsutomu Sato 4, Nohiro Hamaoka 5, Yasuhiro Funatsu 1, 6*
* Correspondence author: Yasuhiro Funatsu
Affiliated institutions:
1 Department of Food Science, Faculty of Dairy Science, Rakuno Gakuen University, 582, Midorimachi, Bunkyodai, Ebetsu,    Hokkaido, 069-8501, Japan.
2 Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center, 5-5, Ushijimashin-machi, Toyama, 930-0856, Japan.
3 Taste & Aroma Strategic Research Institute, 8F Shinkawa Central Bild., 1-17-24, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan. 
4 Akita Konno Co., Ltd., 248 Aza Kariwano, Daisen-shi, Akita 019-2112, Japan.
5 Food Processing Research Center, Hokkaido Research Organization, 589-4, Midorimachi, Bunkyodai, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, 069-0836, Japan
6 Department of Food Science and Human Wellness, Rakuno Gakuen University, 582, Midorimachi, Bunkyodai, Ebetsu,    Hokkaido, 069-8501, Japan
Key Words: egg-roasted production loss, chicken meat, koji mold, fermented seasoning, reuse
Background and Purpose:
 Recently, increasing interest has been focused on food loss, such as non-standard products in food manufacturing plants, and their reuse in Japan. Food loss that occurs during the egg-roasting process can be possibly used as a material and to convert it to fermented seasonings. This study aimed to investigate the quality of various types of fermented seasonings prepared from the food loss using soy sauce brewing technology.
Materials and Methods:
 The food loss produced during the egg-roasting process was chopped with a kitchen knife. The chopped food loss was mixed with three types of koji moulds: rice koji, soy sauce koji and soybean koji, salt-tolerant lactic acid bacterium (Tetragenococcus halophilus), salt, tap water and commercial enzyme in a two-liter crow bottle. Three types of moromis with and without minced chicken meat were fermented at approximately 30℃ for 24 weeks. Soy sauce yeast (Zygosaccharomyces rouxii) was added to each moromi after 2 weeks. Various moromis were heated up to 90℃ at the end of fermentation. The sample obtained after centrifugation and filtration with the heat-treated moromi was tentatively called as final product. Physicochemical properties and extractive components of the final products were investigated. In addition, taste sensor (TS) analyses of the final products were performed.
Results and Discussion:
 The pH levels of all products were in the range of 4.6 to 4.7. The total nitrogen and soluble solids excluding salt levels, were higher in the products with chicken meat than those without chicken meat. The histamine levels of all products were below 20 ppm. Lactic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, leucine and arginine levels were richer in the products with chicken meat than in those without chicken meat, whereas citric and succinic acids and glycine levels exhibited the opposite trend. According to TS analysis, saltiness and sourness were stronger in the product with soybean koji than those with the rice bran and soy sauce koji, and the strength of umami (first taste) was remarkable in the products with chicken meat. Moreover, the product with soybean koji and the chicken meat achieved most well-balanced umami (first taste and aftertaste) in all the products.
  Food loss, such as non-standard products, produced at egg-roasting process can be effectively reused by converting it to a variety of fermented seasonings using soy sauce brewing technology.
 現在,食品製造工場では規格外品のような食品ロスへの関心が高まり, その再利用法が求められている。このような食品ロスが食品原料として再利用できれば, 卵焼き製造工程で生じる規格外品から発酵調味料への変換が可能となる。本研究では醤油醸造技術を用いて卵焼き製造工程で発生するロス (卵焼き製造ロス) から種々の発酵調味料を調製し, その品質を調査することを目的とした。
 卵焼き製造ロスを細切し, これと3種類の麹 (米麹, 醤油麹, 大豆麹),醤油用乳酸菌(Tetragenococcus halophilus), 食塩, 水および市販酵素剤を2 L容のガラス瓶に入れて良く混合した。次にこれらのもろみを鶏肉添加区と鶏肉無添加区にそれぞれ分けて合計6種類のもろみを調製し, 約30℃で24週間発酵させた。2週間目の各種もろみに醤油用酵母(Zygosaccharomyces rouxii)を添加した。発酵終了後, 90℃に到達するまで火入れを行い, 遠心分離・ろ過後の試料を最終製品とした。各種製品の物理化学的特性と呈味成分を調査した。また, 味覚センサー (TS) 分析も実施した。
 すべて試料で製品のpHは4.6~4.7であった。全窒素分と無塩可溶性固形分は共に鶏肉添加区の方が鶏肉無添加区よりも高かった。ヒスタミンレベルはすべての試料で20 ppm未満であった。呈味成分をみると, 乳酸, グルタミン酸, リジンおよびアルギニンは鶏肉添加区が鶏肉無添加区よりも高値を示した。一方, クエン酸とコハク酸およびグリシンは逆の傾向であった。TS分析では,塩味と酸味は大豆麹添加区が米麹および醤油麹添加区よりも強く, また, うま味 (先味) の強さは鶏肉添加区で顕著であった。さらに, 鶏肉と大豆麹添加区はすべての製品の中で最もうま味 (先味・後味) のバランスが良かった。


Surfactant actions of α-cyclodextrin and its application to various processed foods

古根 隆広 (FURUNE Takahiro), 石田 善行 (ISHIDA Yoshiyuki), 宮本 有香 (MIYAMOTO Yuka), 松村 康生 (MATSUMURA Yasuki), 寺尾 啓二 (TERAO Keiji)
 乳化剤は界面活性作用や抗菌作用など多くの機能を有するため,様々な加工食品に広く利用されている。しかしながら,その多くはJECFA(The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives)やEFSA(European Food Safety Authority)にて1日摂取許容量(ADI)が定められており1,2),健康面において十分に安全であるとは言い難い。そのため,現在では多くの加工食品において乳化剤を使用しないこと(乳化剤フリー)が望まれている。


藤田 雅子 (FUJITA Masako)
Impact of sugary beverage consumption between meals on postprandial hyperglycemia
Author: Masako Fujita
Affiliated institution:
Daikin Industries, Ltd. Tokyo branch office, Health management room
JR Shinagawa East Building10F, 2-18-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Keywords: Postprandial hyperglycemia, Second meal effect, HbA1c, sugar-containing beverages
  Annual measurement of casual blood glucose levels are provided to the employees at Daikin Industries. Our previous analysis of these data showed that in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance, those who take confectionery and/or sugar-containing beverage between meals were more likely to have lower postprandial blood glucose levels.
 To evaluate whether intake of sugar-containing beverages between meals affects postprandial glycemia in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
  In this pilot study, 12 male employees at Daikin Industries whose postprandial blood glucose levels were 140 mg/dL or higher despite of normal fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels, were recruited. From 120 minutes prior to lunch, the subjects sipped a beverage containing 15 g of sugar or artificial sweetener with equivalent sweetness for 60-75 minutes and then ate the same lunch.  Blood glucose levels were measured using a glucosemeter at 120, 60 min before meal, immediately before meal, and 30, 60, 90, 120 min postprandially.
  Postprandial glucose levels were significantly lower after sugar-containing beverages: 60 min after meal [with sugars 155 ± 15.1, non-sugars 177 ± 21.6], 90 min after meal [151 ± 22.3,179 ± 39.8], 120 min after meal [141 ± 17.6, 158 ± 28.9] (mg/dL) (P <0.05).
 Drinking sugary beverages between meals may ameliorate postprandial hyperglycemia in subjects with IGT.
 対象は健診時空腹時血糖値正常でHbA1c 6.2%未満にも関わらず,随時血糖値が140 mg/dL以上だった男性社員12名。別の日の食間に糖類含有(砂糖15 g)もしくは非含有の飲料(同等の甘さの人工甘味料入り)を摂り,同一の昼食を摂取した。飲料は昼食120分前から60〜75分間かけて少しずつ摂取した。簡易血糖測定器で食前120分〜食後120分の間に7回測定し比較した。
 食後60分(糖類あり155±15.1,なし177±21.6) ,食後90分(151±22.3,179±39.8),食後120分(141±17.6,158±28.9)(mg/dL)は糖類含有飲料摂取時の方が有意に低かった(P<0.05)。

Introduction to Web Development

曲山 幸生(Yukio Magariyama )

連載解説 セリアック食事中のオート製品の現在の状況

瀬口 正晴 (SEGUCHI Masaharu),竹内 美貴 (TAKEUCHI Miki), 中村 智英子 (NAKAMURA Chieko)
 高含量の繊維と生物活性の価値ある共存は,一般食のオート,グルテンフリー食の両方を魅力的な物質にしている。オートの食物繊維は,栄養的に特に可溶性区分が高含量で,(1→3),(1→4)-β-D-グルカンと結び付き,それは全粒重の2-7%にもなりオート粒の主細胞壁成分である(Wood, 1986)。β-グルカンの十分な毎日の食事取り込みは,心臓病や冠動脈疾患の危険性を低下することに結びつく。β-グルカンに加え,オート,特にオートふすまは,ほとんどの他のグルテンフリー粉より高含量の全食物繊維を多く含んでいる(表8.1)。
 さらにオート中のタンパク質含量は,米,あるいはコーン粉よりも高い。食物繊維,タンパク質に加えて,オートは不飽和脂肪酸,生化学的活性物質量のかなりの量を供給する。オート中,全脂質量は3-9%の範囲である(Brown and Craddock, 1972)。脂質の大部分は不飽和脂肪酸で,殆どの脂肪酸はモノ不飽和オレイン酸と多価不飽和リノール酸である。オートは高含量の抗酸化剤を持つことが知られ,典型的なトコール(C26H44O2)含量は約20-30mg/kgである(Lasztity et al., 1980; Peterson and Qureshi, 1993)。他の抗酸化物質でオート中に存在するものにはフェノール酸,アベナンスラミドとステロールがある。各タンパク質のクラス分布はオートはユニークで,グロブリンが最も大きなグループである。対照としてグルテン含有穀物の小麦,ライ麦,大麦グロブリンは全貯蔵タンパク質のほぼ10%であるが,最も大きなグループのプロラミンは全貯蔵タンパク質の80%を占める(図8.1)。殆どの他の穀物種子貯蔵タンパク質のように,オートプロラミンもグルタミンとプロリンに富んでいる。


岡 希太郎



野山の花 — 身近な山野草の食効・薬効 —
カントウタンポポTaraxacum platycarpum Dhalst.subsp. platycarpum
(キク科 Compositae   APG体系: Asteraceae)

 白瀧 義明 (SHIRATAKI Yoshiaki)
 ようやく,寒さも和らぎ,野原や道端を歩いていると,タンポポの黄色い花が咲いているのを見かけます。カントウタンポポは,アズマタンポポともよばれ,その名のとおり,主に関東地方,中部地方東部に分布し,高さ,20〜30cm,葉は根際に集まって生え,ロゼット状に広がった倒披針形で深い鋸歯があり,葉や茎を切ると白い乳液が出ます。花は普通,早春から初夏(3〜5月)にかけて咲き,ロゼットの中心から伸びた花茎の先に3.5〜4 cmの1個の黄色い花をつけます。小花はすべて舌状花冠で,その先は浅い5 歯となり,多くの在来タンポポ(日本タンポポ)同様,花のつけ根にある総苞の外片(外総苞片)が反り返りません。


Essay Lifestyle Changes Following Spread of COVID-19 and Considerations for the Future

Ryusuke Oishi
 The spread of COVID-19 has significantly changed our lifestyles. There is still a lengthy wait before COVID-19 will completely relinquish its hold. It is inconvenient and stressful to do things that we used to take for granted (i.e. eating out, visiting with others). However, humankind has overcome such difficulties before. Moreover, various ideas and business formats have been developed to accommodate our new lifestyles. The author believes that in the future the skills we developed to confront COVID-19 will improve our lives. In this study, we consider future lifestyles and businesses formats from the perspective of our current experience with COVID-19.

コラム #大学生の声

村上 可奈(MURAKAMI Kana)明海大学歯学部