New Food Industry 2025年 67巻 1月号
解 説 t-PA産生亢進と血小板凝集抑制の 両方に作用し,血栓予防に貢献する成分 ―香り成分を中心として―
Ingredients that act to both increase t-PA production and anti-platelet aggregation −Focus on Fragrance Components−
須見 洋行(SUMI Hiroyuki),満尾 正(MITSUO Tadashi),矢田貝 智恵子(YATAGAI Chieko)
要約 ꞵ-フェネチルアルコールはヒト血管の内皮細胞からt-PA産生を亢進する働きを持つこと,また,そのもの自体に強い血小板凝集抑制作用が認められている。 サクラの香りにはリラックス効果と共に,さらにこれら2つの因子が加わって血栓予防に働くことが期待される。コーヒーの香り成分は,ヒト細胞へ働きかけ,t-PA産生を起こすことが明らかになっており,特にブルーマウンテンが最高で雲南やキリマンジャロなどがそれに続く。
総 説 メダカ成魚における食用色素の薬物動態と脳組織への分布
肖 黎(XIAO Li),佐藤 栄里子(SATO Eriko),島村 直宏(SHIMAMURA Naohiro), 井出 良治(IDE Ryoji),橋爪 那奈(HASHIZUME Nana S), 砂田 勝久(SUNADA Katsuhisa),佐伯周子(SAIKI Chikako)
The dynamics and brain tissue distribution of a food dye in adult medaka fish
Authors: Li Xiao 1*, Eriko Sato 1, 2, Naohiro Shimamura 2, Ryoji Ide 1, Nana S Hashizume 1, Katsuhisa Sunada 2, Chikako Saiki 1 *
Corresponding author: Li Xiao 1
Affiliated institutions:
1 Department of Physiology, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University
1 Department of Dental Anesthesiology, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University [1-9-20 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8159, Japan]
Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the pharmacokinetics and distribution of a food dye administered by intraperitoneal injection in adult medaka fish, with a focus on its distribution in brain tissue.
Methods: Wild-type adult medaka fish (Matsushiro strain) were anesthetized at a low temperature, and a 10 µL solution of water-soluble food additive, Ponceau 4R was administered intraperitoneally. After one hour, the fish were euthanized, fixed, and embedded in paraffin, and dye distribution was examined histologically.
Results: Following intraperitoneal injection, the fish gradually exhibited a red coloration, with the entire body and fins visibly red within about 20 minutes. Simultaneously, dye excretion into the water was observed. At the one-hour post-injection mark, dye distribution was noted in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, brain, eyes and ovarian tissues.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that, intraperitoneal administration of Ponceau 4R, a water-soluble food additive, rapidly distributes to organs and tissues throughout the body, including the brain, within an hour in adult medaka fish.
Key Words: Medaka, Ponceau 4R, food additive, intraperitoneal injection, pharmacokinetics, brain distribution
要 旨
【方法】松代野生型メダカ成魚に低温麻酔を実施し,腹腔内注射で10 µLの水溶性食用赤色102号(Ponceau 4R)を投与した。投与後1時間に低温麻酔下での断頭法により安楽死させ,固定・パラフィン包埋を行い,組織学的手法で色素の分布を観察した。
坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi) ,斎田 圭子 (SAITA Keiko) ,三間 修(MITSUMA Osamu)
In Vitro Anti-aging Activity of APICA SAITA INUTOUKI ® (Angelica shikokiana Makino)
Authors: Hiroshi Sakagami 1*, Keiko Saita 2, Osamu Mitsuma 3
* Corresponding author: Hiroshi Sakagami 1
Affiliated institutions:
1 Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO)
[1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado, Saitama 350-0283, Japan]
2 Apica Corporation Co,. Ltd.
3 K's collection
Key Words: Anti-aging, cultured cells, evaluation system, SAITA INUTOUKI ® (Angelica shikokiana Makino)
Sakagami recently established the overlay method that allows normal human cells grow for two weeks in regular culture medium by optimizing the serum concentration and inoculated cell number onto 96-microwell plate, and overlaying fresh culture medium at midpoint to prevent the depletion of essential amino acids. Using this method, we found that neutral and alkaline salt extracts of INUTOUKI ® (Angelica shikokiana Makino) significantly promoted cell division of normal human dermal fibroblasts. This result suggests the possible antiaging effect of Angelica shikokiana Makino.
解説 微細藻類由来ペンタデシル含有サプリメントの服用実感(うるおい,目尻のたるみ,シワ)
阪田 泰子(SAKATA Yasuko),坪井 誠 (Tsuboi Makoto)
Impressions from taking supplements containing pentadecyl-containing derived from microalgae (moisture, sagging of outer canthus, wrinkles)
Authors: Yasuko Sakata 1*, Makoto Tsuboi 1
* Corresponding author: Yasuko Sakata 1
Affiliated institution:
1 Sea Act Co., LTD.
[2-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan]
Key Words: Aurantiochytrium, pentadecyl, effects of ingestion, moisturizer, anti-wrinkle, pentadecanoic acid lipid
瀬口 正晴(SEGUCHI Masaharu),楠瀬 千春(KUSUNOSE Chiharu)
本論文「アフリカ小児栄養におけるブレークスルーの可能性」は“Lost Crop of Africa”volume I Grains NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS 1996のAppendix D Potential Breakthroughs in Child Nutritionを翻訳紹介するものである
シリーズ EQUATOR Networkが提供するガイドラインの紹介
CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised crossover trialsの和訳
Authors: Kerry Dwan, Tianjing Li, Douglas G Altman, Diana Elbourne
翻訳:馬場 亜沙美(BABA Asami),鈴木 直子(SUZUKI Naoko),野田 和彦(NODA Kazuhiko), 波多野 絵梨(HATANO Eri),髙橋 徳行(TAKAHASHI Noriyuki),新林 史悠(SHINBAYASHI Fumiharu), 板橋 怜央(ITABASHI Reo),柿沼 俊光(KAKINUMA Toshihiro),山本 和雄(YAMAMOTO Kazuo)
Japanese translation of “CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised crossover trials”
Authors: Kerry Dwan 1, Tianjing Li 2, Douglas G Altman 3, Diana Elbourne 4
Translators: Asami Baba 1*, Naoko Suzuki 1, Kazuhiko Noda 1, Eri Hatano 1, Noriyuki Takahashi 1, Fumiharu Shinbayashi 1, Reo Itabashi 1, Toshihiro Kakinuma1, Kazuo Yamamoto 1
*Correspondence author: Asami Baba
Keywords: Human clinical trial, Human trials, Food for specified health uses, Food with function claims, Research design, CONSORT, Guideline, Outcome, SPIRIT, Crossover
Affiliation (Authors) :
1 Review Production and Quality Unit, Editorial and Methods Department, Cochrane Central Executive, Cochrane, St Alban’s House, London SW1Y 4QX, UK
2 Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
3 Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 4 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Department of Medical Statistics, London, UK Affiliated institution
1 ORTHOMEDICO Inc. 2F Sumitomo Fudosan Korakuen Bldg.,1-4-1 Koishikawa,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,112-0002,Japan.
本稿は,EQUATOR Networkが提供するガイドラインの一つである「CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised crossover trials」の本文を翻訳したものである。 要約 [Abstract] ランダム化比較試験の報告の質が最適ではないことを示すエビデンスがある。透明性が欠如している報告は,読者が試験結果の信頼性と妥当性を判断することを妨げ,研究者がシステマティックレビューのために情報を抽出できなくなり,その結果,研究の無駄をもたらす。CONSORT(Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials)声明は,ランダム化比較試験の報告を改善するために作成された。この声明の主な焦点は,2つの治療群を持つ並行群間比較試験である。クロスオーバー試験は,参加者が一連の介入にランダムに割り付けられる,慢性疾患に特化したタイプの試験である。このタイプの試験は参加者自身が対照となるため,有用で効率的なデザインである。しかし,クロスオーバー試験の報告はばらつきがあり,不完全であったため,臨床上の意思決定や将来の研究者による使用の妨げとなっていた。我々は,ランダム化クロスオーバー試験のより良い報告の促進を目的とした,CONSORT声明の拡張版を紹介する。CONSORT 2010チェックリストはクロスオーバーデザイン用に改訂され,透明性を高めるために修正されたフローチャートとベースライン表が導入されている。CONSORTのクロスオーバーチェックリスト項目に関する優れた報告例とエビデンスに基づく根拠が示されている。
New year's essay
Chew and swallow: often forgotten vital functions
Ángel David Paulino-González
Introduction Eating is one of the greatest pleasures for human beings, and it is well-known that humans are one of the few species that have a diet not only driven by physiological necessity but also by the pursuit of pleasure, a phenomenon known as hedonic eating 1). Therefore, to activate this reward system, chewing and swallowing are essential functions, as they contribute to the palatability of food and to our body's response to the stimuli they provide. When chewing and swallowing, we experience the texture of the food, perceive its smells and flavors, and even the sound produced while chewing helps the brain interpret the experience as pleasant or unpleasant 2). Although it generally does not receive much attention, eating and swallowing are very important activities, as difficulties with them can lead to the development of anxiety disorders and depression, as well as other consequences such as malnutrition, anemia, pneumonia, sarcopenia, loss of bone density, and general issues with healthy aging 3). Swallowing complications, such as dysphagia, are more common than generally believed. It is estimated that approximately 40% of adults ≥65 experience swallowing-related issues, but these problems are often misdiagnosed, or individuals may fail to seek care or may try to minimize them 4). Swallowing can be altered at different levels, so it is important for health professionals to monitor and evaluate several factors, such as saliva, teeth, and the neuromuscular components involved, including the muscles of the tongue and pharynx, as well as the nerves that control these muscle groups and the reflexes necessary for food to follow the correct path. These nerves include the vagus, trigeminal, facial, hypoglossal, and glossopharyngeal nerves.
New year's essay
Applications of Artificial intelligence (AI) in Higher Education and Research
PhD. Norma Margarita Montiel Bastida
PhD. Felipe Gonzalez Solano
Artificial intelligence (AI) is profoundly reshaping the advancement of human society at a rapid rate and has truly become a game-changer. Within the realm of education, AI has already made significant progress and is proving to be a promising ally for educators, students, and counselors alike. Its transformative impact is unmistakable. When it comes to managing the vast amount of educational data coming from various sources such as teachers, researchers, students, parents, affiliated agencies, and institutions, AI has made considerable strides. Its tools and techniques have evolved significantly, enabling it to efficiently process, analyze, and derive insights from the ever-growing volume, variety, and speed of educational data. The potential of AI in this area is astonishing. AI, as a concept, involves the use of computer science to create intelligent machines that have the remarkable ability to replicate the cognitive processes and capabilities of human beings. It enables machines to learn, communicate, perceive, and evaluate information like humans, making them an invaluable asset in the field of education.
世界のメディカルハーブ No.28
渡辺 肇子(WATANABE Hatsuko)
クランベリーは,北アメリカ北東部の沼地や湿地を原産とする,ツツジ科の小灌木です。湿潤な酸性の湿地で生息し,北半球,おもに北アメリカ北東部と中西部湿地,荒野,淡水の水辺や湿原に分布していて,現在ではヨーロッパでも見られます。 葉は約1cmの幅の狭い楕円形,花はピンク色で,白い収れん性の果実をつけます。熟するときれいな赤色になりますが,酸味や渋みが強いので,そのまま食べるには適しません。そのため,シロップ漬けにしたり,ほかの果汁に混ぜてジュースにしたり,砂糖を加え加工されて料理用のソースやお菓子,乾燥果実となります。
リーダーのあるべき姿 徳川家康
坂上 亮
昨年の大河ドラマのテーマにもなった徳川家康。劇中でも表現されていたが、家康は生涯で何度か家臣団の選別を行なっている。その中でも特に三河一向一揆の際に行われた一連の処置は世間ではイメージされる家康とは違うものとなっている。 一揆に加勢した武将には浄土真宗からの宗派替えを要求、それに従わなかった武将は追放となった。その中には後に生涯参謀として支えることになる本多正信も含まれていた。また一揆の拠点となった各寺院は数ヶ月ののちに跡形もなく破却されてしまい、一向宗の門徒が多く三河から出て行くことになった。門徒の多くは農民であるため、三河の食糧生産は低下してしまった。
New year's essays 新春随想
Experiences in dental education during COVID-19 Can we respond to a new pandemic?
PhD. Norma Margarita Montiel Bastida
and MS. Sara Gabriela Maria Eugenia del Real Sanchez
[Faculty of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico.]
In January 2020, the WHO declared an international health emergency due to the appearance of a new disease called COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By March of the same year its status changed to Pandemic and life changed drastically for everyone in different areas both politically, economically, socially and educationally, but mainly in health. 1, 5 We were forced to make changes that we would not have even imagined before, a forced and prolonged isolation, during which personal contact became the bare minimum, both with family and with other people. We went from interpersonal contact to virtual contact, due to prevention or fear of being infected by an emerging virus, an unknown and deadly disease of rapid growth and dissemination against which we were defenseless and unprotected, without specific medications or vaccines.
New year's essays 新春随想
Towards the Future:Some Reflections on the Research Prospects and social overview
Ángel David Paulino-González
[Dental Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico.]
2023 will be remembered as the year when the WHO declared the end of the COVID-19 health emergency; however, the world and humanity have been transformed forever. We understand that we must now coexist with this new illness and draw lessons to take home regarding our vulnerability. It is crucial to strengthen necessary aspects in anticipation of potential new pandemics, particularly given the worsening environmental conditions. The risk of bacteria or viruses impacting our health is heightened, as phenomena such as melting ice and deforestation lead to interactions with species to which we would not typically be exposed. The variety of events in various countries around the world leads us to reflect on the near future of humanity, especially when we have witnessed the political, social, environmental, and economic problems that have recently hit. It is increasingly common to read about torrential rains, earthquakes, food shortages and wars that often increase the difference in equitable access for each person to the conditions of human dignity.