New Food Industry 2023年 65巻 9月号


Novel function of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract: cytoprotection against proteotoxic stress

Satoshi Yano, Shiori Sasaki, Shengai Jin, Nanako Shibata, Kaoru Kataoka, Wakana Matsushita, Yuka Sugaya, Shota Yamakoshi and Taichi Hara*

*Corresponding author: Taichi Hara
Affiliated institution: Laboratory of Food and Life Science, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
 [2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama, 359-1192, JAPAN] 
 Moringa oleifera Lam. (commonly known as Moringa) is a perennial deciduous tropical tree that contains over 90 nutrients and is rich in polyphenols. Moringa is used as a traditional medicine in Asia and as a nutritional supplement to combat food insecurity and hunger. It exhibits various physiological activities, including antioxidant- and anti-inflammatory activities, and is expected to be a healthy, anti-aging natural resource. This study clarified the cellular activating effect (cytoprotective effects) of Moringa leaf extract on cells derived from the intestinal epithelium, epidermal keratinocytes, liver, and nerve tissue following proteotoxic stress. For our experiments, we used the water extract of dried Moringa leaf powder from the Philippines (Moringa aq-extract). Caco-2, HaCaT, HepG2, and SH-SY5Y cells were used to investigate the cytoprotective effects of the Moringa extract against proteotoxic stress generated by MG132. Autophagy was analyzed using GFP-LC3-RFP-LC3ΔG probes and gene knockout cell lines, and molecular chaperones were analyzed using quantitative PCR and western blotting to verify the mechanism of the cytoprotective effect of the Moringa extract. Treatment with low concentrations of Moringa aq-extract activated Caco-2, HaCaT, HepG2, and SH-SY5Y cells. The cytoprotective effects against proteotoxic stress initiated by MG132 were observed in Caco-2, HaCaT, and HepG2 cells. However, Moringa aq-extract did not affect autophagy; instead, it downregulated cytoplasmic chaperones and their master regulator, HSF1. In contrast, the protein level of BiP (an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone) significantly increased following the addition of Moringa aq-extract. This study identified a novel biological function of Moringa leaf extract; that is, its ability to facilitate cellular activation and protect cells against proteotoxic stress. It is suggested that BiP mediates the amelioration of proteotoxic stress by endoplasmic reticulum proteins and causes an unknown protective effect on cytosolic proteins in an autophagy-independent manner.



具 然和 ( GU Yeunhwa),山下 剛範 (YAMASHITA Takenori),井上 登太 (INOUE Tota)
Radioprotective effect of Guarana water extract against radiation-induced teratogenicity in ICR mice.

Authors: Yeunhwa Gu 1*, Takenori Yamashita 2 and Tota Inoue 3
*Corresponding author: Yeunhwa Gu
Affiliated institutions:
1 Chairperson International Affairs Department of Radiological Science, Graduate School of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science Junshin Gakuen University
[1-1-1 Chikushigaoka, Minami-ku, Fukuoka 815-8510 Japan.]
2 Graduate School of Health Science, Suzuka University of Medical Science
3 Mie breathing swallowing rehabilitation clinic
  Brazilian amazon river basin district is the sexes plant which mukuroji department guarana strain of guarana nomenclature: Paurillinia Cupana kunth. It is prized as a plant of the senescence of restraint called to India that is a native. Emphasis was placed on the anti-oxidization action of guarana, the immunity activated action, and an experiment was done about effect on radiation protection by this research. The elements contained in the seed of guarana are guaranin, lord powder, a plastic, paurinia, tannin, caffeine, theobromine, saponine and Colin. Caffeine and chemical composition look like guaranin. It is different from the effect that is like the immediate effect which caffeine has and like poisoning. It is the element that it is absorbed to the inside of the body a small quantity each for a long time. Guaranin is the material that exists especially abundantly in guarana. Strong energy, strong, the relaxation of the migraine and the neuralgia, prevention of sleepiness, the prevention of high fat blood syndrome and arteriosclerosis, arrange intestine, better stomach, and so on are raised as an effect of guarana. Moreover, it acts on the one for the central part of the liver skin quality, and it is said that glucose promotion hormone action to the central nerve is suggested, too. Then, effect on radiation protection to the fetus was examined. As for the death, statistics-like difference in some thought toward the Control group difference was recognized in preimplantation as a result of the experiment. And, as for the embryo death and the fetus death as well, a statistics-like difference in some thought wasn't recognized. As for the outside table deformity occurrence rate, when a 2.0 Gy independent irradiation group was compared with the guarana + 2.0 Gy group, it could reduce a deformity occurrence about 10%. Therefore, it can be said that there was effect on radiation protection toward the outside table deformity about guarana water extraction thing. As for the frame deformity occurrence rate, it became the result that about 30% of the frame deformity occurrence rates decreased when a 2.0 Gy independent irradiation group is compared with the guarana + 2.0 Gy group. As for fetus weight, statistics-like difference in some thought in comparison with the Control group difference was recognized as fetus weight of the 2.0 Gy independent irradiation group (P<0.05). As for fetus weight, statistics-like difference in some thought in comparison with the Control group difference was recognized as fetus weight of the 2.0 Gy independent irradiation group (P<0.05). But, a statistics-like difference in some thought wasn't recognized between the Control group and the guarana + 2.0 Gy group. As for the experiment of the blood level, the clear difference appeared on the leukocyte in the 2Gy independent irradiation group and the guarana + 2Gy group. Specially, statistics-like difference in some thought between the 2Gy independent irradiation group and the guarana + 2Gy group difference was recognized with the thing after the irradiation 15 days and the thing after 30 days (P<0.001). Therefore, it can be said that there was effect on radiation protection toward the leukocyte about guarana water extraction thing. As for the lymphocyte, the clear difference appeared on the number of the lymphocytes in the 2Gy independent irradiation group and the Guarana+2Gy group (P<0.001, P<0.05). Therefore, it can be said that there was effect on radiation protection toward the lymphocyte about guarana water extraction thing. As for the granule ball, the difference that it was conspicuous in the 2Gy independent irradiation group and the Guarana+2Gy group wasn't recognized. As for monocyte, statistics-like difference in some thought between the 2Gy independent irradiation group and the guarana + 2Gy group difference was recognized with the thing after the irradiation 15 days of the Male mice (P<0.05). The erythrocyte isn't thought that there is a big difference in comparison with other corpuscles. In other words, there was no difference in the group that it wasn't given with the group that guarana was given. Therefore, guarana water extraction thing isn't thought effect on radiation protection to be admitted in the erythrocyte. As for the thrombocyte, the number of the thrombocytes of the 2Gy independent irradiation group is about fixed. Therefore, it thinks that radiation sensitivity is poor a thrombocyte. And, because all groups are about the same as the control group, guarana water extraction thing isn't thought effect on radiation protection to be admitted toward the thrombocyte. As mentioned, effect on radiation protection toward the deformity occurrence, fetus weight, a leukocyte, a lymphocyte, monocyte was admitted in guarana water extraction thing in this research against the 2Gy irradiation.
 ガラナ(Guarana)[学名:Paurillinia Cupana kunth]は,ブラジル・アマゾン川流域地方が原産のムクロジ科ガラナ属のつる性植物であり,原住民であるインディオに不老長寿の植物として珍重されている。本研究では,ガラナの抗酸化作用,免疫活性化作用に着目し,放射線防護効果について実験を行った。ガラナの種子に含まれる成分は主に,ガラニン,殿粉,樹脂,パウリニア・タンニン,カフェイン,テオブロミン,サポニン,コリン,鉱塩である。ガラニンはカフェインと化学的構成が似ており,カフェインのもつ即効的かつ中毒的な効力とは異なり,長時間にわたり少量ずつ体内に吸収されていく成分である。ガラニンは特にガラナに多く存在する物質である。ガラナの効用としては,強精,強壮,偏頭痛・神経痛の緩和,眠気防止,高脂血症・動脈硬化症の予防,整腸,健胃などが挙げられる。また,肝臓皮質の中心部分に作用し,中枢神経へのブドウ糖促進ホルモン作用を促すともいわれている。本研究では,ガラナ水抽出物質をICRマウスに経口投与し,妊娠した母体マウスの器官形成期に2.0 Gyの放射線を照射し,胎児への放射線防護効果を検討した。
 実験の結果,着床前死亡については,Control群に対して,統計学的な有意差が認められた。また,胚死亡と胎児死亡についても同様に統計学的な有意差は認められなかった。外表奇形発生率については,Guarana+2.0 Gy群と2.0 Gy単独照射群を比べると,約10%奇形発生を低減させることができた。よって,外表奇形に対して,ガラナ水抽出物は放射線防護効果があったといえる。骨格奇形発生率については,Guarana+2.0 Gy群と2.0 Gy単独照射群を比べると,約30%,骨格奇形発生率が減少する結果となった。胎児体重については,Control群に比べ,2.0 Gy単独照射群の胎児体重は統計学的な有意差が認められた(p<0.05)。しかし,Control群とGuarana+2.0 Gy群との間には統計学的な有意差が認められなかった。従って,胎児体重に対して,ガラナ水抽出物は放射線防護効果が認められた。



瀬口 正晴(SEGUCHI Masaharu),楠瀬 千春(KUSUNOSE Chiharu)

 アフリカの広い地域で,人々はかつて野生の穀物から基本的な食料を調達していた。特に干ばつの年には,その習慣が今も続いている場所もある。ある調査では,食用穀物の供給源として知られている60種以上の穀物が記録されている。このような野生の穀物は,広く利用され,苦難の時に命を救うという重要な価値があるにもかかわらず,食品科学者や植物科学者からはほとんど見過ごされてきた。数千年前に狩猟採集が農耕に移行して以来,「時代遅れ」として,つまり運命づけられてきたのだ。事実,野生の穀物を現代食として開発することは,ほとんど考えられてこなかった。しかし,これは再考の余地がある。草原から穀物を採取することは,世界で最も持続可能な組織的食糧生産システムの一つである。石器時代には一般的であったが,それ以来,特にアフリカの乾燥地帯では重要視されてきた。例えば,サハラ砂漠周辺に住む人々は,何千年もの間,草の種を大規模に集めていた。そしてそれはつい最近まで続いていた。今世紀初頭も,彼らは自生する草原から少なからぬ量の食料を収穫していた。しかし,それ以前の世紀には,砂漠やサバンナの穀物が大量に収穫されていた。例えば,サヘル(サハラ砂漠の周辺)やサハラでは,収穫期には一世帯で1000キロを収穫することもあった。その種子はトン単位で倉庫に積まれ,キャラバンの荷として地域外に出荷された。これは一大事業であり,現在では同等のものはなく,しばしば貧困に陥っている地域からの実質的な輸出である。だが,現代では,この野生の穀物は軽視され,中傷さえされている。様々な著者が"飢饉の食べ物"と繰り返し言っている。これは明らかに間違いである。雑穀が採れるところでは,余分が当たり前だったのである。例えば,トウジンビエ(PEARL MILLET)が供給過剰になったときにも,野生の穀物は食べられていた。

シリーズ: EQUATOR Networkが提供するガイドラインの紹介

―CONSORT 2010声明: ランダム化パイロット試験およびフィージビリティ試験への拡張版(3)―

鈴木 直子 (SUZUKI Naoko), 野田 和彦 (NODA Kazuhiko), 波多野 絵梨 (HATANO Eri),髙橋 徳行 (TAKAHASHI Noriyuki), 中村 駿一 (NAKAMURA Shunichi), LIU XUN, LAI RICHARD SUN-KWONG, 柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro), 馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami), 山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo)

Introduction to Guidelines Provided by the EQUATOR Network.
—CONSORT 2010 Statement: Extension to Randomised Pilot and Feasibility Trials (3)—
Keywords: European food safety authority, clinical trials, health food, physical performance, physical capacity
Authors: Naoko Suzuki 1)*,  Kazuhiko Noda 1), Eri Hatano 1), Noriyuki Takahashi1), Shunichi Nakamura 1), Xun Liu 1), Richard Sun-Kwong Lai 1),  Toshihiro Kakinuma1), Asami Baba1), Kazuo Yamamoto1)
*Correspondence author: Naoko Suzuki
Affiliated institution: 1) ORTHOMEDICO Inc. [2F Sumitomo Fudosan Korakuen Bldg., 1-4-1 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0002, Japan.]

随 想


窪田 倭(KUBOTA Sunao)

病気は人類が誕生した時から個人を,時には家族全員を悩ます「そこから逃れたいもの(悪霊)」として存在していた。細菌やウイルスは人類が誕生する以前より繁栄していたからそれらによる感染症はヒトを悩ませていたし,また,外傷や骨折は日々の生活上起こりうる災難であった。これらの災厄は季節の変化,嵐や大雨,太陽や月の動きなどの自然界の現象と同じように超越者の意思にもとづくものと考えられていた。彼らにとって「病気」とは自然界の不思議な,多くは邪悪な力(悪霊)の餌食になったことにより起こるものとして捉えていた。体内に入り込んだ悪霊を誘い出すか,追い払おうと考えた。病気からの解放,すなわち医術はこの邪悪な力(悪霊)を取り省く術であり,それを行う者(医師)は自然界から大きな力を与えられた「祈祷師」,「呪術師」あるいは「悪魔祓い師」であった。それ故に,medicineは医学,医術を意味する以外に,超自然力,まじない,魔法(magic)を意味し,medicine manは未開社会における祈祷師やまじない師を指している。

雑 感

水平線の向こうから —作用機序のこと—

矢澤 幸平(YAZAWA Kouhei)

Rising beyond the horizon - Mechanism of Action
Author: YAZAWA Kouhei, Ph.D. (Pharmacist) 
Usefulness of mechanism of action.
 The first is that a newly found mechanism often brings pharma companies several big products under the same mechanism; the second is that we can know effective drug concentration in vitro before in vivo study; and the third is that drug consumers are more likely to believe the efficacy of the drug and the drug will surely be effective.
Secondary mechanism.
 Compounds of small molecules may have several mechanisms yet fully clarified. For example, aspirin acetylates amino-residues of proteins, and makes a chelate complex with Fe ion. Recently it is sometimes heard that antibody with low affinity to the valiant of the new corona virus may have “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” of viral infection.
Sudden appearance of new mechanisms.
 First example of paradigm shift: addition of Th-17 T-cells to “Th-1 vs. Th-2 balance theory” and from putative suppressor T-cells to existing regulatory T-cells, which reduce antigenicity of tumors. Another example: from the central dogma (DNA is the center of life activity) to the RNA world (many kinds of RNA are main players of life activity and DNA is regarded as the storage of the genetic information). 

連載 世界のメディカルハーブ No.12


渡辺 肇子WATANABE Hatsuko
