New Food Industry 2023年 65巻 6月号



中山 雅晴(NAKAYAMA Masaharu),清水 美帆(SHIMIZU Miho)
Preventive effects of soy culture fermented with beneficial microbes on the occurrence of aberrant crypt foci in the colon and on the DNA damage of cells of the liver and the colonic mucosal layer induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine 

Authors: Masaharu Nakayama, Miho Shimizu
*Corresponding author: Masaharu Nakayama
Affiliated institution:  KIGEN Biogenics Laboratories Co., Ltd., Sakaki Daiichi Laboratory [1326-1 Nakanojyo, Sakaki-machi, Hanishina-gun, Nagano 389-0602 JAPAN] 
 We investigated preventive effects of soy culture fermented with a koji fungus and lactic acid bacteria (SKL) on early stages of carcinogenesis of colon cancer induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (DMH) in mice. First, we investigated whether SKL prevents the occurrence of aberrant crypt foci (ACF). SKL was mixed in feed at concentrations of 10%, 5%, and 2.5% (v/w) and administered freely until the end of the test for 70 days, whereas DMH was administered subcutaneously twice a week for 4 weeks at 20 mg/kg (bw). Because SKL significantly decreased the number of ACF in a dose-dependent manner, we assumed that SKL may have reduced DNA damage induced by DMH and this reduction led to the decrease of ACF. On the basis of this assumption, we further investigated whether SKL inhibits DNA damage of the cells of the liver and the colonic mucosal layer, by using single-cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay). Mice were fed SKL at the same concentration as in the ACF test freely for 2 weeks. DMH was administered intraperitoneally once at 20 mg/kg (bw) and the mice were killed 3 h later. Cells from the liver and the colonic mucosal layer were subjected to the comet assay, and DNA damage was evaluated by calculating the tail moment. Because SKL significantly decreased the DNA damage of the cells of both tissues in a dose-dependent manner, we subsequently investigated which component of SKL is essential for the decrease. We fractionated SKL into supernatant, fibers, and cells of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and subjected them to the comet assay. Interestingly, the fraction of LAB cells effectively reduced DNA damage of the cells of both tissues more than the fractions of supernatant and fiber did. On the basis of these results, we concluded that the reduction of the DNA damage with the LAB cells in SKL is probably a primary cause of the decrease in the number of ACF, and this preventive effect of LAB cells at early stages of carcinogenesis of DMH may lead to the prevention of colon cancer.
 国立がん研究センターの統計値によれば,大腸ガンは日本人ガン罹患総数の1位を占め(2018年),死亡数順位では肺ガンに続いて2位に位置する(2019年)1)。女性に限れば,ガン死亡数順位の1位が大腸ガンによるものである。大腸ガンの誘因としては,喫煙,過度の飲酒,加工肉や赤身肉の過剰摂取,運動不足など,生活習慣に関わる因子が指摘されている。国際がん研究機関(International Agency for Research on Cancer)は,これらの因子の中でも特に,喫煙,アルコール並びに加工肉を「ヒトに対して発ガン性がある」とするグループ1に,赤身肉を「ヒトに対して恐らく発ガン性がある」とするグループ2Aに分類する2)。
 大腸ガンの予防としては,従って,禁煙,飲酒の制限や適度な運動の実践などの生活習慣の改善と共に,食習慣の改善が強く望まれる。ハムやソーセージなどの加工肉の発ガン性に関しては,燻蒸工程で生じる多環芳香族炭化水素や,食中毒菌の増殖抑制並びに発色効果を得る目的で添加される硝酸塩などの関連が指摘されている3, 4)。赤身肉に関しては調理法との関連が指摘され,バーベキューや焼き肉など,直火の調理により発生するヘテロサイクリックアミン(heterocyclic amines: HCA)の関与が強く疑われている5)。一方で,野菜などに多く含まれる繊維分や抗酸化物質,葉酸などのビタミン類が大腸ガン予防に効果がある可能性が指摘されていることから,加工肉や赤身肉の過食を避けることに加え,野菜や果物の積極的な摂取が推奨される6)。その他に大腸ガンの予防が期待される食物として,ヨーグルトに代表される乳酸菌発酵食品があげられる。ヒトに対する乳酸菌の大腸ガン抑制効果に関する予防疫学的研究報告は数多いが,必ずしも一致した結果は得られていない。しかしながら,齧歯類を用いた動物実験ではこれまでに多数の予防効果が報告されていることから,大腸ガン予防に対する乳酸菌の潜在力への期待は大きい7−9)。動物モデルにおける乳酸菌の大腸ガン抑制作用に関してはいくつかの機序が考えられ,腫瘍免疫の活性化,腸内環境改善作用,消化管内における菌体の発ガン物質吸着作用などが唱えられている10)。

Food Functionality of the Silky Fowl Egg

Toshiyuki Toyosaki

Affiliated institution: Department of Foods and Nutrition, Koran Women’s Junior College, [Fukuoka, 811-1311, Japan]
 The current research demonstrated that nutritive constituents, oxidative stability of silky fowl egg. Present results consisted with the previous report. It was speculated that the unsaturated fatty acid chains of lipids contributed to the oxidative stability of silky fowl eggs. Rheologic properties, oxidative stability of baked sponge cake and stress relaxation behavior of gluten, and bread dough using silky fowl egg. From the results of this study it will be concluded that the use of silky fowl egg could improve a quality and rheologic properties, oxidative stability of baked cakes and stress relaxation behavior of gluten. This result can submit knowledge to the food science field. From now on, you have to examine the differences in physical properties of the sponge cake and the mechanism of oxidative stability of silky fowl egg.



瀬口 正晴(SEGUCHI Masaharu),楠瀬 千春(KUSUNOSE Chiharu)


シリーズ: 世界の健康食品のガイドライン・ガイダンスの紹介 第6回

 ―欧州食品安全機関 (EFSA).筋機能に関する機能性評価―

鈴木 直子 (SUZUKI Naoko),野田 和彦 (NODA Kazuhiko),波多野 絵梨 (HATANO Eri),金子 拓矢 (KANEKO Takuya),中村 駿一 (NAKAMURA Shunichi),LIU XUN,LAI RICHARD SUN-KWONG,柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro) ,馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami),山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo),
柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro),馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami),
山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo)

Introduction to Guidelines or Guidance for Health Food Products in the World: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) series
—Functional Assessment of Muscle Function—
Keywords: European food safety authority, clinical trials, health food, muscle function, muscle mass, muscle strength
Authors:Naoko Suzuki 1)*,  Kazuhiko Noda 1), Eri Hatano 1), Takuya Kaneko 1), Shunichi Nakamura 1), Xun Liu 1), Richard Sun-Kwong Lai 1),  Toshihiro Kakinuma1), Asami Baba1), Kazuo Yamamoto1)
*Correspondence author: Naoko Suzuki
Affiliated institution: 
[2F Sumitomo Fudosan Korakuen Bldg., 1-4-1 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0002, Japan.]
前回(2023 Vol.65 No.4 掲載,「シリーズ 世界の健康食品のガイドライン・ガイダンスの紹介 ―欧州食品安全機関(EFSA). 関節機能に関する機能性評価―」)に引き続き,欧州食品安全機関(European Food Safety Authority: EFSA)の発行するガイダンス(以下,EFSAガイダンス)について隔月で紹介する。今回は,EFSAガイダンスの「Guidance on the scientific requirements for health claims related to muscle function and physical performance」1)に記載されている,筋機能に関する機能性評価について紹介する。本ガイダンスでは,成長や発達の過程で筋肉量が増加しなかったり,年齢を問わず筋肉量が減少したりすることは,筋機能(筋強度やパワー)の損失につながるため,筋機能の改善,維持および減少抑制は有益な生理作用と考えられている。また,運動後における通常の筋機能の早期回復も有益な生理作用と考えられている。

Milk IgG as an immunomodulating functional food material

大谷 元(OHTANI Hajime)

 Milk IgG is a type of immunoglobulin present in milk. Milk IgG is absorbed into the blood after passing through the digestive tract and is known to exhibit immunomodulatory effects in the body. In particular, milk IgG is reported to be useful in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases such as allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases, and can be easily extracted from dairy products and used as a food material. As the scientific basis for its biological defense function is further elucidated, it is expected to be studied in the future as a functional food material for maintaining human health.



 牧 純(MAKI Jun)

A note on TOKUGAWA Ieyasu, the first Generalissimo of Edo Period (1603-1867), with special emphasis on his favorite food and the defeated battle in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture
Corresponding author: Jun Maki (MAKI Jun, PhD, Pharmacist specializing in Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Medical History) 
 The present communication describes TOKUGAWA Ieyasu (1542-1616), the first Shogunate Generalissimo of Edo Period (1603-1867), with a special emphasis placed on his favorite food, tempura and mochi rice-cake, to begin with.Tempura, or seafood dipped in batter to be deeply fried very quickly, was introduced in those days to Japan from the West. A rumor says that his too much eating the sea-bream tempura caused his death. The truth is that he had suffered from stomach cancer. He is more or less associated with an intriguing story or a kind of legend.
 His army was completely defeated by his opponent, Takeda Army from a local country called Kai (the main parts of which today belongs to Yamanashi Prefecture in the west of Tokyo), fleeing from the Mikatagahara battle-field in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.
 He was, however, so hungry that he took mochi rice-cake on the way back despite the urgent situation, leaving there without paying for the rice cake. Indignant at his behavior, the old woman selling the cake ran after him with success, getting the money. Eventually he entered his Hamamatsu Castle at the sacrifice of his man who pretended as if he had been his Lord, TOKUGAWA Ieyasu. The battle continued till into the night. According to a legend, a defense valley close to the castle was covered with a large sheet of cloth so as to kill the enemy soldiers with the anticipation of their ignorance, misunderstanding and belief in a real bridge. The plan of the massacre was carried out with success.
 About 30 years later, he was appointed by the Kyoto Emperor as the first Generalissimo of Edo Period (1603-1867). His defeated battle in Mikatagahara, Hamamatsu City was the only one during all his life. He became still more careful in everything throughout the rest of his life. He eventually founded the base of the peaceful Edo Period.

連載 世界のメディカルハーブ No.9


渡辺 肇子WATANABE Hatsuko
