New Food Industry 2023年 65巻 3月号



茶谷 桃花(CHATANI Momoka),斎藤 直美(SAITO Naomi),吉岡 正浩(YOSHIOKA Masahiro),木下 勇一(KINOSHITA Yuichi),中村 花恵(NAKAMURA Hanae),橋本 優希(HASHIMOTO Yuki),竹之内 明子 (TAKENOUCHI Akiko),義澤 克彦(YOSHIZAWA Katsuhiko)

Pathophysiological Inhibitory Effect of Acerola in N-Methyl-N-Nitrosourea-Induced Cataract Rat Model
Authors: Momoka Chatani 1, Naomi Saito 2, Masahiro Yoshioka 3, Yuichi Kinoshita 4, Hanae Nakamura 5, Yuki Hashimoto 6, Akiko Takenouchi 7, Katsuhiko Yoshizawa 1,5,7,8 *
*Corresponding author: Katsuhiko Yoshizawa
Affiliated institutions:
1 Administration Food Sciences and Nutrition Major, Graduate School of Human Environmental Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University
2 Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
3 Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University
4 Department of Diagostic Pathology, Wakayama Medical University Hospital
5 Administration Innovative Food Sciences Major, Graduate School of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Mukogawa Women's University
6 Department of Health Sports Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Kobe Women’s University
7 Department of Innovative Food Sciences, School of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Mukogawa Womenʼs University
8 Institute for Biosciences, Mukogawa Womenʼs University
Key Words: Acerola, Animal model, Cataract, Oxidative stress, N-Methyl-N-nitrosourea
  Vision plays an important role in obtaining information from the outside world. Cataract is one of the top ophthalmic diseases that cause blindness in which the lens becomes cloudy due to oxidative stress. In this study, we investigated the effect of acerola water, prepared with acerola powder VC30 containing a high vitamin C content and antioxidant properties, on cataract development and the suppression of cataract development in MNU-induced cataract model rats.
  Female SD rats at the age of 2 weeks were given a single intraperitoneal dose of 30 mg/kg of MNU and fed tap water, 2% or 4% acerola water (AW) from weaning starting when 3 weeks old. Control, 4% AW, MNU, 2% AW + MNU, and 4% AW + MNU groups were established; bilateral eyes were removed at 5 weeks after MNU administration, and the extent of cataract formation was observed histologically. In addition, the expression of oxidative stress markers, 8OHdG-positive cells and HO-1-positive cells, was observed.
  Histopathologically, ectopic nuclei, lens fiber swelling and vacuolization were observed in all groups treated with MNU. The degree of vacuolation was reduced in the 4% AW + MNU group compared to the MNU and 2% AW + MNU groups. The cataract index based on histological changes was lower in the 4% AW + MNU group than in the MNU and 2% AW + MNU groups, and the expression level of oxidative stress markers was lower in the 4% AW + MNU group.
 4% acerola water tended to reduce MNU-induced cataract lesions. The inhibitory effect may be related to the superior antioxidant properties of AW.
 出生後2週齢の雌SDラットにMNU 30 mg/kgを単回腹腔内投与し,3週齢離乳時から水道水または2%,4%アセロラ水(AW)を摂水させた。対照群,4%AW群,MNU群,2%AW+MNU群,4%AW+MNU群を設定した。MNU投与後5週時に両側眼球を摘出し,白内障の程度を組織学的に観察した。加えて,酸化ストレスマーカー8OHdG陽性細胞およびHO-1陽性細胞の発現を観察した。


The relationship between soluble anti-mutagens eluted from lactic acid bacteria in saline suspensions and the ability of these bacteria to bind heterocyclic amines

Authors: Takuya Okada, Miho Shimizu, and Masaharu Nakayama*
*Corresponding author: Masaharu Nakayama
Affiliated institution:  KIGEN Biogenics Laboratories Co., Ltd., Sakaki Daiichi Laboratory

  We investigated the relationship between soluble anti-mutagens eluted from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in saline suspensions and the ability of these bacteria to bind heterocyclic amines (HCAs). The anti-mutagenicity of the suspensions was examined by the Ames assay with Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and expressed as inhibition rate, whereas the binding ability of the cells was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography and expressed as binding rate. In the tests to examine the effects of salt on the binding and inhibition, using freshly isolated wet cells of Companilactobacillus alimentarius KN15 and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum KK2503 against Trp-P-1, the inhibition rates of the supernatants of the suspensions significantly increased as NaCl concentration increased, whereas the binding rates decreased. The ability of the cells of both LAB strains to bind Trp-P-1 completely disappeared when the cells were repeatedly incubated with fresh saline. The binding rates of the cells of KN15 to Trp-P-1 decreased in acidic conditions and such binding was almost lost at pH 2.5, whereas the highest inhibition rate was observed at pH 2.5. The cells of C. alimentarius KN15 did not bind Trp-P-1 in the suspensions of simulated gastric juice (SGJ), whereas the SGJ suspensions showed strong anti-mutagenicity against this HCA. In the tests using freshly isolated wet cells from 22 standard LAB strains and 6 species of HCAs, the cells of many LAB strains modestly bound Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2 but hardly bound IQ, MeIQ, MeIQx, and PhIP under conditions in which the cells were suspended in 100 mM NaCl saline with each HCA and incubated at 37℃ with rotation at 18 rpm for 30 min. The binding rates of the cells against Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2 contributed to the inhibition rates of the suspensions to some degree. In the cases of IQ and MeIQ, however, the binding rates did not contribute to the inhibition rates of the suspensions. The suspensions did not show substantial anti-mutagenic effects against MeIQx and PhIP, with the exception of two samples in the case of MeIQx. On the basis of these results, we concluded that the ability of LAB cells to bind the HCAs is limited and that the anti-mutagen eluted from the LAB cells in the supernatants of the suspensions contributes more to the anti-mutagenicity of the suspensions than their binding abilities.


岡田 拓也(OKADA Takuya),清水 美帆 (SHIMIZU Miho),中山 雅晴(NAKAYAMA Masaharu)
 乳酸菌菌体の塩溶液懸濁液中に見出される複素環式アミン (heterocyclic amines: HCA) に対する抗変異原物質と,菌体のHCAに対する吸着性の関係について調べた。乳酸菌はCompanilactobacillus alimentarius KN15 とLactiplantibacillus plantarum KK2503を用い,HCAはTrp-P-1とMeIQを用いた。抗変異原性はSalmonella typhimurium TA98を用いたエームズテストにより,吸着性は液体クロマトグラフィー (HPLC) により評価し,前者を阻害率,後者を吸着率として表した。菌体を各種濃度のNaCl溶液に懸濁して50℃,30分培養したとき,懸濁液中のHCAに対する阻害率は塩濃度に比例して増加した一方で,菌体のHCAに対する吸着率は塩濃度に反比例して減少した。菌体を100 mM NaClに懸濁し,懸濁液の塩溶液を新鮮な塩溶液に置換しながら50℃で培養を繰り返した結果,懸濁液の抗変異原性と菌体の吸着性の両者共に消失した。次に,pHと両者の関係を調べた。菌体は100 mM NaClに懸濁し,37℃で30分培養した。中性域での菌体の吸着率は高く,懸濁液の阻害率とほぼ一致した一方で,酸性下では吸着率は低下した。pH 2.5では吸着はほぼ消失し,逆に阻害率は大きく増加した。人口胃液 (simulated gastric juice: SGJ) に菌体を懸濁して37℃で60分培養した実験では,極めて低い吸着率と高い阻害率がSGJ中に認められた。最後に22種の乳酸菌基準株の菌体を100 mM NaClに懸濁し,6種のHCAに対する抗変異原性と吸着性の関係を37℃,30分培養の条件下で網羅的に調べた。比較的多くの株がTrp-P-1とTrp-P-2を吸着したが,その程度は穏やかなものであった一方で,IQとMeIQに対する吸着はほとんどの株で非常に低く,多くの株の懸濁液がこれら4種のHCAに対して抗変異原性を示した。MeIQxとPhIPに対しては,MeIQx に対する2株を例外として,ほとんどの株で吸着性も抗変異原性も認められなかった。以上の結果から,我々は,HCAに対する乳酸菌の抗変異原性の主体は塩溶液に溶出される抗変異原物質によるものであり,菌体の吸着による関与は低いと結論した。



ナットウキナーゼの発酵生産 ―緑豆納豆および納豆味噌―
(Fibrinolysis of mung bean natto and natto miso)

須見 洋行(SUMI Hiroyuki) , 矢田貝 智恵子(YATAGAI Chieko)

 11種の固体培養で納豆を調整したところ,緑豆に最も強力なナットウキナーゼ活性がみられた。緑豆納豆のビタミンK含量はBacillis subtilis nattoの発酵によりK1量である乾燥重量100g当たり44.1µgに加えて,K2は3.97mgが新しく産生されていた。また,50℃乾燥後,ナットウキナーゼと共に多量のナイアシン(3.96mg/100g),ビタミンA(27µg/ 100g),ꞵ-カロテン(160µg/100g),γ-トコフェロール(8.3mg/100g)などが検出された。納豆味噌は,納豆に米麹,食塩水存在下で室温6ヵ月間の保存に安定で,優れた納豆味噌が得られた。最終製品のナットウキナーゼ活性は12万IU(ウロキナーゼ単位)/100g以上であった。また,発酵物にはビタミンK2が100g当たり526µg以上含まれ,これは30gの味噌で成人1日の必要量を満たす量に相当するものであった。


児玉 雅(KODAMA Masa) ,戸松 さやか(TOMATSU Sayaka) ,畠 恵司(HATA Keishi)


シリーズ: 世界の健康食品のガイドライン・ガイダンスの紹介 第4回

―欧州食品安全機関 (EFSA).骨機能に関する機能性評価―

鈴木 直子 (SUZUKI Naoko),野田 和彦 (NODA Kazuhiko),波多野 絵梨 (HATANO Eri),金子 拓矢 (KANEKO Takuya),中村 駿一 (NAKAMURA Shunichi),LIU XUN,LAI RICHARD SUN-KWONG,柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro) ,馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami),山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo)

Introduction to Guidelines or Guidance for Health Food Products in the World: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) series
—Functional Assessment of Bone Functions—
Keywords: European food safety authority, clinical trials, health food, bone turnover, osteoporosis, fracture
Authors: Naoko Suzuki 1)*,  Kazuhiko Noda 1), Eri Hatano 1), Takuya Kaneko 1), Shunichi Nakamura 1), Xun Liu 1), Richard Sun-Kwong Lai 1),  Toshihiro Kakinuma1), Asami Baba1), Kazuo Yamamoto1)
*Correspondence author: Naoko Suzuki
Affiliated institution:
 今回は,欧州食品安全機関(European Food Safety Authority:EFSA)が発行するガイダンスの「骨機能に関する機能性評価」の中のアウトカムの設定や科学的根拠に関する内容を説明する。



瀬口 正晴(SEGUCHI Masaharu),楠瀬 千春(KUSUNOSE Chiharu)


エッセイ「渡航・旅行薬学」事始 — 徳川家康と静岡県浜松を回想して —

牧 純(MAKI Jun)

Essay: The Dawn of Travel Pharmacy and Allied Sciences in relation to the 1st Tokugawa Shogunate Iyeyasu and his hometown Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture
Corresponding author: Jun Maki, PhD, Pharmacist
 The concept of Travel Pharmacy and Allied Sciences has been established since 2012 by the present author and coworkers. It is composed of the three categories, (1)safety in traveling , for example prevention of travelers from infectious diseases (2)promotion of health exemplified with hot spring water and (3)deeper understanding of visited areas from the viewpoint of  pharmaceutical history and related sciences. This note pays much more attention to the third concept in the form of short communication. In 2023, the 1st Shogunate in the Edo Period (1603-1867), Tokugawa Iyeyasu, who was versed in medicinal plants, and his hometown Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture are going to have popularity nationwide in Japan. The lake called Hamana-ko in the area is of importance in travel pharmacy. The west parts of Shizuoka Prefecture are interesting in the production of time-honored food ,  for instance the eel and tea which are worthy of much more basic scientific research.
 日本の薬学は有機化学から始まったとよく言われる(辰野 隆著『日本の薬学』紀伊國屋出版)。明治維新の文明開化となり,陸軍はドイツ,海軍はイギリス,そして医学に関して慎重な論議の末,イギリスではなく,大部分はドイツから移入されることとなった。これもよく耳にする。当時雇われたドイツ人教師の活躍も周知の事実である。一例を挙げれば,『ベルツの日記』(岩波文庫翻訳版)の著者ベルツ。ドイツ医学とともに,医薬分業が確立され長い間の伝統となっていた欧州の強国ドイツから医薬品分析,合成にかかわる有機化学が日本に導入された。確かに薬用植物成分の化学分析も,天然物化学,有機化学分野の薬学の典型的分野であるが,現在では薬学そのものが著しく拡大されている。第二次大戦後はアメリカの影響が強く,製剤,物理化学,生化学,生命科学が取り入れられて薬学領域内にも定着した。

世界のメディカルハーブ No.6


渡辺 肇子WATANABE Hatsuko
